Israel has refused to abide by UN resolution 194, guaranteeing Palestinians the right of return to, or compensation for, lands taken from them during 1947-48. Again in 1967 Israel expanded well beyond the borders of the original partition of Palestine and has been in violation of the Geneva Conventions as well as the terms of the original United Nations plan ever since.
The second misconception is in portraying Israel as a victim of unprovoked Hamas violence. Palestinian resistance to the colonisation of their land is, in fact, recognized as a right under international law. The contention that
“Israel has a right to defend itself,” is like saying that squatters that occupied your home have a right to defend themselves from your actions to remove them. Israel does not have any right under international law to “defend” its illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The attack on Gaza is not an act of self-defense, it is an act of aggression - Israel is not defending itself, it is defending its illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.
It is absurd to suggest that the shocking assault on the captive and defenseless people of Gaza by the world's fourth largest military is somehow justified by the firing of crude homemade rockets into Israel. They have no army, no navy, no air force. Over two thirds of the population is women and children. After the democratic elections in 2006, the Palestinians have had their representatives imprisoned and assassinated and their government was removed in an administrative coup in the West Bank. When Hamas resisted and regained control of the government they were fairly elected to lead, it was Hamas who was considered the aggressor, not those who removed them from power.
To make matters worse, Israel has kept Gaza under siege for the last four-and-a-half years. Gazans have been denied basic necessities, including paper and pencils, school books and even sanitary towels. Israel recently added shoes and clothing to the list, claiming Hamas may use them to make military uniforms, despite Israel justifying its killing of civilians saying the militia can’t be distinguished from civilians ... because they don’t wear military uniforms!!!
Gaza's main power plant has been bombed, severely limiting the amount of electricity needed for water and sewage treatment and general daily life. Fuel supplies have been restricted and importation of cement has been curtailed preventing necessary repairs to schools and hospitals. The Israelis have used F-16 Fighter Jets to make constant low-level flights over Gaza creating huge sonic booms which are causing serious and significant mental damage to children in Gaza, as well as being suspected of inducing miscarriages.
These are just a few examples of the war of terror waged against the civilian population in Gaza, culminating in the denial of medicine, food, electricity and fuel to the people of Gaza.
For the last 60 years Israel has never made any sincere effort to stop the conflict. Indeed it has inflamed it as there has not been one single Israeli administration that hasn't expanded the illegal settlements over Palestinian land. This is in direct violation of the Geneva conventions, not to mention the many agreements Israel has entered into over the years, and broken.
Simply put, Israel is colonising Palestine, any other claim is pure guile. Resistance to this violence is defined as "terrorism", cheapening the lives of the real victims of terrorism worldwide. Israel and the USA, two of the world’s leading so-called "democracies", are in reality rogue nations themselves, engaging in wars of aggression, collective punishment, torture, and criminal foreign policy which disregard even the most basic concepts of human decency.
That is why we in Britain must condemn the actions of Israel and rally to the plight of the people of Palestine and their democratically elected leaders, Hamas.